Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hello, Hello, They Know, They Know!


And yeaaaahhhh I'll see you later BIG UPS... TO ALL MY HATERS!

Looks like the New York Times has an idea of who the democratic nominee will be.

"There is a widespread feeling among donors and some advisers, though, that a comeback this time may be improbable. Her advisers said internal polls showed a very tough race to win the Texas primary — a contest that no less than Mr. Clinton has said is a “must win.” And while advisers are drawing some hope from Mrs. Clinton’s indefatigable nature, some are burning out.

Morale is low. After 13 months of dawn-to-dark seven-day weeks, the staff is exhausted. Some have taken to going home early — 9 p.m. — turning off their BlackBerrys, and polishing off bottles of wine, several senior staff members said."

I bet somewhere Barack is doing the Heisman pose singing, "Hello, Hello, They Know, They Know!"

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